Monday, September 27, 2010

Increasingly uncomfortable conversation...

Sam: "Mom!!! Do you have eggs like a CHICKEN??"
Me: "Yes, Sam, but they are very, very small."
Sam: "Smaller than tomato seeds? Tomato seeds are sooooo small."
Me: "Even smaller than tomato seeds."
Sam: "But how do they get in your uterus? What does a uterus look like? Can you see it? Where IS your uterus?"
Me: "My uterus is in my tummy. That's where the babies grow before they are born."
Sam: "Did you know that Penelope was the size of a zucchini when she was born?"
Me: "Wow. That is interesting, how do you know that?"
Sam: "She brought in a picture of her birth. Did you know I have tomato seeds? We can plant them in the garden..."