Sunday, May 9, 2010

Little mouse-y disco and peanut butter...

Sam: Grammy! Look at what I made. See? I stuck this sparkle light bulb in the end of this mouse trap (a little black box that electrocutes the little scavengers after they wander in). I think that they will go inside and see the light and think it is a rollerskating disco party. And then they'll die.

Grammy: That's pretty creative Sam....What are you eating?

Sam: I have peanut butter on my fingers.

Grammy: Uhhh....

Mom (from the kitchen): What!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? Did you eat the peanut butter out of the mouse trap? AHHH! Something like 20 mice have died eating that peanut butter! Gross, go wash your hands and mouth please.

Dad: Ha, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he! That's pretty gross. Good one, Sam. Let's go get you washed.

From joking to true fear...

As I was getting ready for work last week, a whiff of acrid smoke floated by my nose. I was very confused since Dathan was down in the basement and Annalise and Sam were (I thought) at the breakfast table. While I was calmly trying to find the source of the smoke, Sam timidly spoke up about NOT being at the table the whole time. He admitted to me (and showed me the highly sought but never found) new place that he has been stashing things. From inside the shade of our halogen floor lamp - he pulled out a freshly filled squirt gun. Yes, he used it. Where, you ask? our electrical outlets of course! The source of the green and acrid smoke was from the smoldering and crackling outlet closest to that lamp! In a panic we got the power turned off to the house and the smoke began to dissipate. Sam, meanwhile, began to realize that we were very upset with his latest "challenge to the laws of physics", and sat very still and quiet for about the third time in his short life. His biggest fear from this whole ordeal was that his Grammy would find out that he started a fire in our wall - NOT for his life.

You know, I actually had a woman at work tell me that I needed to simply tell him that those sort of "experiments" were not o.k. and he would stop, just like her little girls did. Somehow I think that words aren't really working with this monkey. I am praying that the shooting flames and screaming mother might have tipped the scales in understanding that outlets and electricity ARE actually real and quite dangerous when played with. Do I sound bitter? I hope not. I am truly afraid at the indigenous need for this one to prove the Laws of Physics wrong (which he came by honestly from his Daddy). For those of you who have judged my abilities as a parent due to the sheer mass of crazy that comes from this kid, apologies are now being accepted. For those of you who might have seen first hand what little Sam Treat is capable of (without meaning to be bad...) prayers for my sanity are also welcome.