Sam was repeating after me in prayer when he suddenly stopped and asked me, “…and Dad how do we get electricity? I mean, how do we get it into our house?
Dathan- It comes into our house by a wire.
Sam- I mean, how do they make electricity?
Dathan- Someday I will have to take you to the place where they make it out of coal that they burn and wind from the windmills.
Sam- How do squirrels make their nests in the trees?
Dathan- They usually find a hole that a woodpecker made or a rotten part of the tree and they take soft stuff like the stuffing out of our porch swing cushions and make their nest in the hole as soft as your pillow so they can sleep there.
Sam- Do birds go to the bathroom?
Dathan- Yes. (by now I knew he was stalling and this could continue indefinitely so I began to make my exit)
Sam- I mean do they go pee?
Dathan- Yes. Good night Sam.
Sam- How do they go pee? Do they poop? Do they….”
Dathan- “Good Night Sam.”