Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas activities set to Popular Tunes...

This lovely, melodious gem is from Toby:

(Upon arriving at my sister's house in Gunnison and greeting their dog, Champ)
Ruff, ruff, bells, ruff, ruff, bells, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruuuufff. (repeated 20 times)

(While playing his new Star Wars video game)
Joy to the death! The Death has come! You Die! You Die! You DIIEE!

to be continued...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spiritual Anatomy

Sam: Mom, Jesus doesn't live in my heart.
Mom: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Why doesn't he live in your heart? Do you not believe in Him?
Sam: No, mom. Jesus doesn't live in my heart...He lives in my neck!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

An alarmingly re-occuring theme...

(This conversation was heard over the top of my husband snickering at me in the car today)
Sam: Can we go to Walmart so I can go into the bathroom and buy a diaper for Annalise? Not that she needs too many, just one, just in case she poops alot. They only cost a quarter and they are in the machine in the mommy bathroom at Walmart...
Toby: NO, they aren't diapers, I think that they are wipes for mommys.
Sam: No, mommy said that they are like diapers...
Toby: No, I really think they are like wipes that only mommys use.
Sam: NO, they are diapers. I know it. AND they only cost a quarter...I have two! We can each get one!